Tuesday, August 20, 2013

I Have Two Youtube Channels

Hey there,
Do you like silly videos? Do you like Minecraft? Do you like Halo, guns, and other cool clips? If you do, why don't you check out my two youtube channels. My primary channel is has quite a few fun videos ranging from lego stop motion to a comparison video of the iron man and star craft marine assembly. I also have a few videos I have done for college in there. Just follow this link and have fun. CowCookies Productions

My other youtube channel is all about video games. There are quite a few videos about Minecraft and how to enhance your experience in that. The Minecraft videos are mostly about cool things you can do with the Minecraft game. I also have a few Halo videos. Some of them are about the game itself and some are just having a good time playing the multiplayer. Here is the link to my gaming channel. Playing With CowCookies

If you like or dislike these videos, be sure to let me know by liking and commenting on the videos or just like my Facebook page conveniently also called CowCookies Productions