Friday, December 23, 2011

Interesting things I noticed in Wall(E)

Hi all Vince here. I re-watched Wall(e) last night and I noticed a whole bunch of stuff that I thought I could share with you. Check it, yo. The first thing is that there is a Rex toy from toy story on wall(e)s shelf of stuff. Another thing I noticed is that Wall(e) has no elbows or shoulders which I assumed he had, just a track that his arms can move on yet he can still convey body language like the slumping of the shoulders sadness and hanging arms in disappointment. Of course there is the classic pizza planet truck. I like the way they show buy(n)large doing everything there is to do in terms of things to sell. Rocket ships, outlet malls, porta-pottys, and ocean liners just to mention a few. Even though eve also has no elbows she is able to make it look like she is pointing to herself. Wall(e) plays a VHS cassette tape which is a major plot element but the magnetism in a VHS would certainly not last 700 years even Compact Discs which are much more durable are only rated for 300 years. Wall(e)s Christmas lights in his house seem to be powered by a large stack of Buy(n)Large brand car batteries. Wall(e) has a total of 8001 points in pong before he decides to give up playing with the catatonic eve, also they are playing on his roof. Eve's space ship launches with three boosters but only uses two of them in space. The satellite stuck to wall(e)s face when he is first in space is sputnik the first artificial earth satellite. I'm not positive but I think the first constellation wall(e) sees is Orion. The music when wall(e) first sees the Axiom is reminiscent of the theme to 2001 space odyssey. The first captain of the axiom was Captain Reardon. Captain Reardon was captain for 142 years, the next captain was captain Fee who captained for 131 years. The third captain was Captain Thompson who was captain for 140 years. The fourth captain was captain Brace who captained for 124 years. The next captain was captain O'Brian who captained for 128 years and then there is captain B. McCrea who is the captain during the movie he had been captain for 30 years when the events of the movie took place. The captain says that they have been on the ship for 225,642 days but 255,642 days is not quite 700 years if those years include leap years. The correct number of days would be 255,675 with leap years and 255,500 without leap years. The computer that the captain asks questions about earth is voiced by Sigourney Weaver. Every time wall(e) is with eve his power levels fluctuate. The engines on the axiom look relatively similar to modern prototypes for ion drives. So that is all the stuff I noticed I'm sure there is more but I didn't see it. Let me know if you all see some other fun stuff.


What's up internet? Here is the plot to Wall(e) which I re-watched last night my next post will be some of the cool stuff I noticed while watching. So the basic plot is about a hundred years in the future a corporation called Buy(n)Large has apparently taken over the planet. The world is so full of trash and toxic waste that the earth is uninhabitable and the president/ceo of the world decides that it would be easer to build giant space-cruse-ships and evacuate the human population into space. They leave an army of robots called waste allocation load lifter earth class or Wall(e) bots to cleanup the garbage and toxic waste while the humans are in space. Something happens and the wall(e) bots are unable to complete the job it is not specified as it is unimportant to the plot but I am guessing when the humans just gave up and decided to live in space and let the earth rot they sent a shutdown directive to all the bots. Only one bot seems to have not gotten the message. Enter Wall(e) the main character. Wall(e) has been working nonstop for 700 years cleaning up all the trash, until he meets another bot sent to earth to search for any plants. The extra terrestrial vegetation evaluator or Eve probe finds a plant in Wall(e)'s collection of junk that he has found interesting over the years this prompts an directive override in eve to shut down and wait for transport. When the transport arrives Wall(e) stows aboard trying to stay with his new friend Eve. After a trek through the stars where Wall(e) is able to observe the wonders of space they arrive at the flagship of the human space cruse fleet called the Axiom. Eve is taken to the command deck to give the plant to the captain so he can have the ship plot a course back to earth. Unfortunately however the autopilot has received instructions that humans are not supposed to return to earth and tries to get rid of the plant. Wall(e) and Eve rescue the plant and take it back to the captain. Our heroes then are told by the autopilot that he cannot allow them to return to earth. He then damages Wall(e), shuts down Eve, and sends them both down to the garbage deck to be ejected out the airlock disposal system. They are able to escape and the captain opens the plant detector thingie so that Wall(e) and Eve can put the plant in it and the ship will head to earth. The autopilot tries to shut the detector but Wall(e) wedges himself into the mechanism so it wont close but the autopilot makes it close most of the way anyway crushing him. The captain manages to shut down the autopilot and Eve puts the plant into the detector that Wall(e) gave his life (supposedly) to keep open. The ship returns home and Eve repairs Wall(e), and they all live happily ever after. Wall(e) is another great movie from Pixar and it's great how two robots can covey such feeling as well as reconnect all the onscreen characters, especially the humans, with their humanity.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

movie critics are stupid

I think movie critics are stupid. Why would you think that you might ask? Well I was tricked into seeing the movie Hugo last week and I personally thought it was a horrid piece of refuse that shouldn’t even be shown as torture. Ok maybe it wasn’t all that bad but it was terrible. I kind of just want to say that and be done but due to my extensive schooling I feel inclined to explain my grievances with the movie in a logical and ordered fashion. Well here goes, first the movie was too long I don't have the exact running time but it is about two hours and ten minutes of drivel. The same story could have been told better in at the most an hour and forty five minutes and that is really stretching it. My next grievance has to do with a personal rule I have it goes something like this "DON'T TELL PEOPLE ABOUT YOUR CREEPY DREAMS" notice I didn't say dreams I said creepy dreams. Normal dreams are the heart and soul of the human experience; you know the brain runs through all the stuff that happened in the day with a little imagination and long term memory thrown in to spice things up. But then there are the creepy dreams, just a jumble of crazy junk that doesn't make any sense and kinda creeps you out because you think where the heck did that come from. Those are the ones you keep to yourself and try to forget, and definitely don’t make a movie about ah'hem. There was a dream in the movie and all the clips of old movies directed by one of the characters that were just strange. Oh that's another thing just because something is an official movie you know with a producer and actors and theaters and stuff that doesn't make it good it can still be a piece of crap. Anyway back to Hugo the movie started out extremely slow like a snails pace and the story was all jumbled and the pauses were just too long as to be irritating at every turn, it is like "yes I get the point that this is an important choice or sequence but it really doesn't need to last this long, and yes the train station is pretty and the artists spent a long time on it but move the dang camera a little bit faster Mr. Molasses camera. I blame the whole slowness on the director. Get on with the story. If I wanted to see the set I will buy the special edition. The story was predictable in all the usual places things like the antagonist that has a secret past and turns out good and a mean character ends up being not so bad which is great, crazy twists and turns are wonderful, but predictable repetitiveness it wonderful too if it is done in a creative way. In Hugo it is drawn out like the people watching it had never heard of a plot twist before. The movie did pick up at the end in plot speed and interestingness and ended rather well considering the garbage we had to sit through to get there. For the art and acting of the movie I would give this a 3 of 5 but for the directing and the movie as a whole I give less than 1½ of 5. Which brings me back to my title point that critics are idiots, I read on rotten tomatoes that they gave it an aggregate score of 94%. 94% for crying out loud, those kinds of scores are reserved for major heavyweights like Moon and Captain America. Ok that is all I have to whine about right now goodbye.

Monday, November 21, 2011

more halo anniversary

I just beat halo combat evolved anniversary on legendary. And I have all the skulls and I found all the terminals. My favorite skull is the bandanna skull. It is awesome because it gives you infinite grenades and ammo in the campaign. It made playing on legendary much easier. I played through almost every level with the grunt funeral, grunt birthday party, piñata, boom, and bandanna skulls on. It was awesome. All I had to do was hide behind a wall and toss double strength grenades and just wait for the chain reaction. The grenades would kill the grunts then they would explode killing grunts and elites around them. Then the elites would drop grenades and the other grunts exploding would make the grenades explode, and before too long the entire room was empty. (evil laugh) I consider it payback for all the times I died playing legendary on all the other halo games. The only problem I had was on the keys level when you have to go through the coolant and there are popcorn flood carriers everywhere. So one would explode and send one or two flying away which would hit another one and send them flying and because they infinite spawn there it was like a perpetual motion machine I died about ten times before there was a lull in the cycle and I was able to get through. I am hoping I can get the last few achievements I need to get a perfect over the thanksgiving break or not, whatever it is just nice to have a break every once in a while.

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Halo Combat Evolved Anniversary

Guess who bought Halo Combat Evolved Anniversary. Me! Wow what a great game. The gameplay is almost the same as the original game released back in 2001 with the only differences being the edges of objects and things, because they all have new texture skins on them and sometimes you can see a hiding enemy when there should be a wall. But that is the only bad part. I played through the first time on normal difficulty and I suggest against it. The only difficulties I like to play on are easy and legendary. In easy you are and unstoppable force making your way through a handful of weak enemies this is the best mode for finding the newly added skulls and terminals and for looking at all the pretty visual additions that they made to the game. Legendary difficulty great because it is a challenge and there is a whole lot more time in game spent playing. There are a few additions to this game that make legendary even more fun that it usually is and those are the skulls, particularly the grunt funeral skull and the piñata skull. The grunt funeral skull was available to all of the people who preordered the game and causes the grunts to explode like plasma grenades when they die. The piñata skull makes the enemies drop grenades when they get hit it is especially awesome on levels with the flood. All you have to do is shoot off their arms so they can’t attack and they will just run up to you. As anyone that has played halo knows flood combat forms can take quite a beating with the butt of a weapon before going down so just wail on those suckers till you are standing in a pile of grenades. 343 industries did a really good job with this game the visuals are amazing and the gameplay is the same classic fun many people experienced back in 2001. The game comes with a map pack for halo reach including a few of the original maps from first game, the second game and the pc version of the game. All in all this game rocks I am currently working on my legendary play through. Cant wait for halo 4.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

More Puns

If a small grassy hill has a drop off. Is that a Knoll Edge?
Is the script for a horror movie called a screamplay?
Did you hear about the jogger who got hit by a hit-man's car? They say he was run-down and tired.
That's all for now I post these as I come up with them.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Warhammer 40K: Space Marine

I finally bought Warhammer 40k space marine. It‘s awesome. The game starts with an introduction of communications about a forge world that is being attacked by the orks and the fact that there are titans, the imperium of man’s ultimate combat vehicles, there and that they must be secured from the orkish hoard. To accomplish that goal they send in a vanguard of the ultramarines including Captain Titus who is the player controlled character. So Captain Titus controlled by the player lays waste to the ork waaagh until he finds a message from an imperial inquisitor from the ordo xenos telling of an experimental weapon that also cannot fall into orkish hands. Captain Titus immediately adds rescuing the trapped inquisitor to his list of things to do. He fights his way to the inquisitor and follows the inquisitor to the generator room of the manufactorum where he retrieves an unshielded warp power source. Upon reuniting with the inquisitor and his strike team they take the power source to a supposedly anti- xenos experimental weapon developed by the inquisitor to power it and destroy the ork invasion. The whole thing turns out to be a ruse and as the inquisitor is actually possessed by a chaos warp entity and the weapon opens a warp portal and allows the ruinous powers of chaos to invade the world lead by Nemeroth. Titus once again retrieves the unshielded warp power source and he and his comrades minus the hectic inquisitor escape and formulate a plan to destroy the warp portal using the titan that they had secured earlier in the game. The next part of the game has Titus fighting his way to the titan through hordes of the foul servants of chaos and the barbaric orks. On his way he is confronted by the warboss leader of the orkish hoard Grimskull who Titus dispatches after a difficult confrontation. Titus finally makes it to the titan and uses the warp power source to destroy the orbital spire that is maintaining the warp portal. Titus determines that the warp power source is too dangerous to be used ever again or to be destroyed and must be protected by his chapter’s Liberians. But on the way to a transport for extraction Nemeroth shows up and kills one of the space marines and takes the power source boasting of his impending transformation into an immortal daemon prince . Knowing that Nemeroth’s power will be too great top defeat if that happens, Titus resolves that he alone, having shown a resistance to the corrupting power of the warp must destroy him. Titus then proceeds to destroy Nemeroth and saves the planet in the process. Upon returning to base Titus is taken into the custody of the inquisition because they believe that his resistance to the warp influence is evidence of chaos taint.

Ok so here are my reactions first the game is awesome hack and slash button mashing. Next the story is fantastic especially the twist of the inquisitor being a heretic. Third the ending totally sucks but I’m sure that that was just to make it open to a sequel or a book sequel. Why does warp resistance mean he is tainted by chaos couldn’t he have the pariah gene or something. Maybe he is being protected by the emperor. Whatever, it makes for intrigue into the next game. I just like happy endings. I would give this game 4 of 5.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

PETA Is Funny

hello interweberneters I just read that PETA (the link is to theirgerman website so use Google Translate) released a statement saying that Battlefield 3 allows players to brutally kill a rat with a combat knifeSo, my first reaction was; wow these shooter games are getting really realistic, then I said to myself, wait, what? peta is criticizing a game where the main objective is to slaughter simulations of human beings and they are getting all bent out of shape about a freaking rat! sheesh, people get your priorities straight, and if you are going to be idiots then where the heck were you when Duke Nukem Forever came out? Duke slaughters pigs and lizards wholesale or he shrinks them and grinds them into a bloody paste with his boot. What about the rats in DNF doesn't peta care about them. What can Duke do with rats in DNF? stomp em put em in microwaves grab 'em and crush them in his bare hands, and lets not mention the nuclear steroids he takes that were obviously tested on animals! WTPF PETA! Anyways when I read the article about it I thought wow Peta, always good for a laugh. Although I kinda feel bad laughing at them it is like showing a kindergartener a geometry problem and laughing at the look on their face. Well I thinks that is all my brains has for now check back later for more brain matter.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011


Hi I’m Vince and right now I am going to tell you about my experiences with Doom 2 . I know, I know Id made the game back in 1994 but that doesn’t mean it is not awesome. Especially because I got it kinda free. So I learned that Bing gives out these point things for searches and other things on their website and they can be redeemed for cool stuff like 400 Microsoft points. So at the same time xbox live was having a deal where they were selling Doom 2 for half the regular price of 800 ms points. So subtraction and cool math stuff later I realized that I could buy Doom 2 for the 400 ms points that I had just redeemed from Bing. Hoo-yeah I think is what I said. Anyway I got the game and played it to death ha ha ha. I played all of it and it was cool I really like the super shotgun. The only thing that is lame is that the player cannot look up and down. The game has to auto-aim for the targets above and below which is stupid because it only has a certain range. So I played through all 30 plus 2 bonus plus 9 extra levels on ultra-violent which is one step below the hardest difficulty nightmare where the enemies come back to life when you kill them. It took a really long time, like two weeks, but I finally made it to the last level which is called “Icon of Sin”. Then I got stuck I can’t seem to get the stupid rocket to the bad guy. I played the level over and over and over trying (in vain so far) to get the achievement for beating all of the levels on ultra violent, but I can’t get it. I was planning on getting two achievements at once by beating the main game and doing it on ultra- oh you know, but it didn’t work out so I finally gave up and played through all 32 levels and beat the last level on easy or I’m too young to die in about 2 and a half hours (shrug). All in all the game was really fun. The end

Pun: is a form of word play which suggests two or more meanings

What do you call angelic furniture polish? Cherub get it? chair-rub
Are focus groups people who work on glasses?
Did you hear about the new nation in the condensed soup aisle? They just got finished writing a re-constitution.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

some more video game reviews

Ok I am finally going to talk about the three best demos I played: A World of Keflings , Warhammer 40k Space Marine , and Tetris Splash. First a world of Keflings, awesome you play as your xbox avatar as a giant in a world with little people called Keflings that you can task to gather resources to build them things like a house or a workshop or anything else, it kinda has the feeling of Minecraft in the constructions part but it seems like a mix of an rts and a open world building game, very, very fun. I spent about 40 minutes on the demo and had a great time with it 4.5 out of 5. Next is Tetris Splash and I really don’t need to say anything about it, it’s Tetris the classic block stacking game with an ocean twist 5 out of 5 you can’t go wrong with Tetris, ever. The best was saved for last Warhammer 40k wins all by itself, amazing universe, all previous installments such as in dawn of war and all its expansions and sequels are awesome. But the demo was awesome too. You are a super powerful space marine with a sword that is also a chainsaw cutting your way through waves and waves of pitiful green Orks but it isn’t all the same thing cause they throw Nobs in, which are the bigger bader and angrier orks and are harder to kill, to mix it up. My favorite part is the face that you regain health but executing stunned enemies just like in Duke Nukem Forever which is the best way I have ever seen to regain health. Health packs and hiding behind cover like a pansy to regain health are both for sissies, crushing enemies beneath your boots is the real way to regain health. This demo was great I am probably going to buy this game. 4.5 out of 5.

Radio Add Videos

these are the five radio adds that my dad recorded for Five Brothers Discount Flooring, LLC they are all really funny but the second one is my favorite
this is the second one

the first

the third

the fourth

the fifth

and a copy of the first one that i made with legos

moar video game reviews

The next demo I … demoed was ben ten rise of hex, now I am a huge fan of the whole ben ten universe I think it is hilarious, artfully crafted, and well written. This game however was boring. Most of the time I really like games geared towards a younger audience because they don’t have as much violence and innuendo and usually have corny jokes which are my favorite type but this game is not worth the money, which I didn’t spend thank goodness. I would say that this would be a great game for a free internet site like miniclip or nitrome but not a pay arcade like the xbox arcade. It is a platforming side scrolling game where you can change between Ben's omnitrix forms and each form has a specific function to complete each sections of the level, for example swampfire can grow vines in certain places to reach higher levels and brainstorm can activate disabled power consoles. All in all of the ten minutes I played I give this game a three out of five.

even more new videos

Yakety sax at lucas and jens weddin photoshoot
i missed it cause i was sleeping :(

this one is from the day before

new videos

A big sack of crap

Here is my next post in which I will talk about some pieces of garbage that defiled my xbox by just being there for a little while. Toy soldiers wow this game is really popular, but what a piece of crap I played it for the entire demo and it was boring and stupid. It is like an rts but not quite and extremely limited in what you can build. One of the main things that makes an rts fun the diversity of units you can build and field, or in a defense game, which this one is, the diversity of base defenses you get a few different turrets and one cannon and that’s it, totally lame. This game deserves to be free on a website then maybe it would be worth playing but definitely not worth 800 points on the arcade. The next absolute piece of garbage is deadliest warrior. Let me start on this one by saying I really like the show absolutely a masculine show about warriors death and mayhem, that being said it could be a 20 minute show for certain episodes and be ten times better. Anyway, the game, what a load of trash. The game is one of those two person fighter games that I am going to liken to street fighter and mortal kombat but just doing that slightly tarnishes the names of both due to the fact that the deadliest warrior game is so lame. In the game you chose one of the warriors used in the tv show and fight against another to see who is the deadliest warrior. The fight lasts two rounds but the characters have so little health that the rounds last only a few seconds making the whole fight not last long enough to be interesting. Needless to say I deleted this game demo as well as the toy soldiers one as soon as I finished the demos.

Video games again

Oh look, I’m typing words again. Hey I have been buying a lot of video games recently and I decided I would write about them instead of talking about them. Ok so first of all I have bought a whole bunch of games since February when I last wrote. In this first group I will talk about the most recent ones because they are fresh in my brains. I just played a group of demos for several recently released and a few old games. The list includes Warhammer 40k kill team, a world of Keflings, Warhammer 40k space marine, Ben Ten rise of hex, toy soldiers, deadliest warrior, and Tetris splash. Quite a list but considering I only spent about 2 hours on the whole thing it’s not too large. So Warhammer 40k kill team, I played this one right before heading to my chino valley workforce class, and wow what a great game. For me when it comes to games I usually focus on a good story and secondly on gameplay but in this game the story stands on the shoulders of the great games workshop franchise and the gameplay can be judged on its own. So the game works like this: you start with the choice of only two space marines with the option of four if you buy the full game. I chose the librarian first because I like swords and he had one. Then I went ahead through the first level and it was awesome. As the librarian character you have a bolter pistol and a sword and you basically press the x button when the enemies get close and use the right thumbstick to shoot your bolter in the direction you aim, with unlimited ammo of course. Simple, to the point, and a whole lot of fun. It was definitely fun to slice and shoot through the hordes of orks that try pitifully to stop your tireless advance in the name of the emperor. In the next post I will talk about some pieces of garbage that defiled my xbox by just being there for a little while.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

just made a lego movie
check it
hey i'm back jk i just am really board right now and i was wondering if anyone ever really reads this
anyhoo i like video games and i am making them at yavapai college vdg 101 oh yeah
so here is my boardness exploding out into the vast reaches of the webbernet ok goodbye