Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Warhammer 40K: Space Marine

I finally bought Warhammer 40k space marine. It‘s awesome. The game starts with an introduction of communications about a forge world that is being attacked by the orks and the fact that there are titans, the imperium of man’s ultimate combat vehicles, there and that they must be secured from the orkish hoard. To accomplish that goal they send in a vanguard of the ultramarines including Captain Titus who is the player controlled character. So Captain Titus controlled by the player lays waste to the ork waaagh until he finds a message from an imperial inquisitor from the ordo xenos telling of an experimental weapon that also cannot fall into orkish hands. Captain Titus immediately adds rescuing the trapped inquisitor to his list of things to do. He fights his way to the inquisitor and follows the inquisitor to the generator room of the manufactorum where he retrieves an unshielded warp power source. Upon reuniting with the inquisitor and his strike team they take the power source to a supposedly anti- xenos experimental weapon developed by the inquisitor to power it and destroy the ork invasion. The whole thing turns out to be a ruse and as the inquisitor is actually possessed by a chaos warp entity and the weapon opens a warp portal and allows the ruinous powers of chaos to invade the world lead by Nemeroth. Titus once again retrieves the unshielded warp power source and he and his comrades minus the hectic inquisitor escape and formulate a plan to destroy the warp portal using the titan that they had secured earlier in the game. The next part of the game has Titus fighting his way to the titan through hordes of the foul servants of chaos and the barbaric orks. On his way he is confronted by the warboss leader of the orkish hoard Grimskull who Titus dispatches after a difficult confrontation. Titus finally makes it to the titan and uses the warp power source to destroy the orbital spire that is maintaining the warp portal. Titus determines that the warp power source is too dangerous to be used ever again or to be destroyed and must be protected by his chapter’s Liberians. But on the way to a transport for extraction Nemeroth shows up and kills one of the space marines and takes the power source boasting of his impending transformation into an immortal daemon prince . Knowing that Nemeroth’s power will be too great top defeat if that happens, Titus resolves that he alone, having shown a resistance to the corrupting power of the warp must destroy him. Titus then proceeds to destroy Nemeroth and saves the planet in the process. Upon returning to base Titus is taken into the custody of the inquisition because they believe that his resistance to the warp influence is evidence of chaos taint.

Ok so here are my reactions first the game is awesome hack and slash button mashing. Next the story is fantastic especially the twist of the inquisitor being a heretic. Third the ending totally sucks but I’m sure that that was just to make it open to a sequel or a book sequel. Why does warp resistance mean he is tainted by chaos couldn’t he have the pariah gene or something. Maybe he is being protected by the emperor. Whatever, it makes for intrigue into the next game. I just like happy endings. I would give this game 4 of 5.

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