Tuesday, November 8, 2011

PETA Is Funny

hello interweberneters I just read that PETA (the link is to theirgerman website so use Google Translate) released a statement saying that Battlefield 3 allows players to brutally kill a rat with a combat knifeSo, my first reaction was; wow these shooter games are getting really realistic, then I said to myself, wait, what? peta is criticizing a game where the main objective is to slaughter simulations of human beings and they are getting all bent out of shape about a freaking rat! sheesh, people get your priorities straight, and if you are going to be idiots then where the heck were you when Duke Nukem Forever came out? Duke slaughters pigs and lizards wholesale or he shrinks them and grinds them into a bloody paste with his boot. What about the rats in DNF doesn't peta care about them. What can Duke do with rats in DNF? stomp em put em in microwaves grab 'em and crush them in his bare hands, and lets not mention the nuclear steroids he takes that were obviously tested on animals! WTPF PETA! Anyways when I read the article about it I thought wow Peta, always good for a laugh. Although I kinda feel bad laughing at them it is like showing a kindergartener a geometry problem and laughing at the look on their face. Well I thinks that is all my brains has for now check back later for more brain matter.

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