Friday, December 23, 2011


What's up internet? Here is the plot to Wall(e) which I re-watched last night my next post will be some of the cool stuff I noticed while watching. So the basic plot is about a hundred years in the future a corporation called Buy(n)Large has apparently taken over the planet. The world is so full of trash and toxic waste that the earth is uninhabitable and the president/ceo of the world decides that it would be easer to build giant space-cruse-ships and evacuate the human population into space. They leave an army of robots called waste allocation load lifter earth class or Wall(e) bots to cleanup the garbage and toxic waste while the humans are in space. Something happens and the wall(e) bots are unable to complete the job it is not specified as it is unimportant to the plot but I am guessing when the humans just gave up and decided to live in space and let the earth rot they sent a shutdown directive to all the bots. Only one bot seems to have not gotten the message. Enter Wall(e) the main character. Wall(e) has been working nonstop for 700 years cleaning up all the trash, until he meets another bot sent to earth to search for any plants. The extra terrestrial vegetation evaluator or Eve probe finds a plant in Wall(e)'s collection of junk that he has found interesting over the years this prompts an directive override in eve to shut down and wait for transport. When the transport arrives Wall(e) stows aboard trying to stay with his new friend Eve. After a trek through the stars where Wall(e) is able to observe the wonders of space they arrive at the flagship of the human space cruse fleet called the Axiom. Eve is taken to the command deck to give the plant to the captain so he can have the ship plot a course back to earth. Unfortunately however the autopilot has received instructions that humans are not supposed to return to earth and tries to get rid of the plant. Wall(e) and Eve rescue the plant and take it back to the captain. Our heroes then are told by the autopilot that he cannot allow them to return to earth. He then damages Wall(e), shuts down Eve, and sends them both down to the garbage deck to be ejected out the airlock disposal system. They are able to escape and the captain opens the plant detector thingie so that Wall(e) and Eve can put the plant in it and the ship will head to earth. The autopilot tries to shut the detector but Wall(e) wedges himself into the mechanism so it wont close but the autopilot makes it close most of the way anyway crushing him. The captain manages to shut down the autopilot and Eve puts the plant into the detector that Wall(e) gave his life (supposedly) to keep open. The ship returns home and Eve repairs Wall(e), and they all live happily ever after. Wall(e) is another great movie from Pixar and it's great how two robots can covey such feeling as well as reconnect all the onscreen characters, especially the humans, with their humanity.

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