Friday, December 23, 2011

Interesting things I noticed in Wall(E)

Hi all Vince here. I re-watched Wall(e) last night and I noticed a whole bunch of stuff that I thought I could share with you. Check it, yo. The first thing is that there is a Rex toy from toy story on wall(e)s shelf of stuff. Another thing I noticed is that Wall(e) has no elbows or shoulders which I assumed he had, just a track that his arms can move on yet he can still convey body language like the slumping of the shoulders sadness and hanging arms in disappointment. Of course there is the classic pizza planet truck. I like the way they show buy(n)large doing everything there is to do in terms of things to sell. Rocket ships, outlet malls, porta-pottys, and ocean liners just to mention a few. Even though eve also has no elbows she is able to make it look like she is pointing to herself. Wall(e) plays a VHS cassette tape which is a major plot element but the magnetism in a VHS would certainly not last 700 years even Compact Discs which are much more durable are only rated for 300 years. Wall(e)s Christmas lights in his house seem to be powered by a large stack of Buy(n)Large brand car batteries. Wall(e) has a total of 8001 points in pong before he decides to give up playing with the catatonic eve, also they are playing on his roof. Eve's space ship launches with three boosters but only uses two of them in space. The satellite stuck to wall(e)s face when he is first in space is sputnik the first artificial earth satellite. I'm not positive but I think the first constellation wall(e) sees is Orion. The music when wall(e) first sees the Axiom is reminiscent of the theme to 2001 space odyssey. The first captain of the axiom was Captain Reardon. Captain Reardon was captain for 142 years, the next captain was captain Fee who captained for 131 years. The third captain was Captain Thompson who was captain for 140 years. The fourth captain was captain Brace who captained for 124 years. The next captain was captain O'Brian who captained for 128 years and then there is captain B. McCrea who is the captain during the movie he had been captain for 30 years when the events of the movie took place. The captain says that they have been on the ship for 225,642 days but 255,642 days is not quite 700 years if those years include leap years. The correct number of days would be 255,675 with leap years and 255,500 without leap years. The computer that the captain asks questions about earth is voiced by Sigourney Weaver. Every time wall(e) is with eve his power levels fluctuate. The engines on the axiom look relatively similar to modern prototypes for ion drives. So that is all the stuff I noticed I'm sure there is more but I didn't see it. Let me know if you all see some other fun stuff.


  1. Leap years are not that simple.
    Wikipedia defines it as such: "if year is not divisible by 4 then common year
    else if year is not divisible by 100 then leap year
    else if year is divisible by 400 then leap year
    else common year".
    255.500 days + 175 leap days - 7 non-leap days + 1 sill-leap day = 255.669 days

    If you do a little experiment with a 10 year span, you'll see that just dividing it by 4 gives you 2 leap days, but if you start in or directly before a leap year, you get 3 leap days. So the year you start in determines the number of leap days.

    I made a little script in PHP, using its built in time functions. It revealed that a beginning date of 2105-07-01 (month and day don't matter, really) plus 225.642 days would lead to 2805-06-03. To arrive at 2805-07-01 it takes 255.670 days.
