Thursday, July 9, 2009

blog 3

Hello there if you are reading this you are probably a part of the human race. As part of the human race you may have an opinion on the subject of abortion. I know I do and I am going to tell you about it and try to get you to believe like I believe. Abortion is the intentional termination of a fetus, embryo, or baby while it is growing in the woman’s uterus. An accidental abortion due to accident or health issues is called a miscarriage. While there are several valid reasons to have an abortion including fallopian tube pregnancies or the life of the mother is gravely at risk. Abortions in the United States can be perfumed on demand. This is, I believe, a severe breach in the protection of human rights.

Should it be legal for a woman to terminate her pregnancy and in turn a potential human life simply for personal choice?

Ethical Female End person Individual option
Lawful mother destroy baby Personal decision

It should not be and never should have been legal for a woman to be able to choose to destroy a potential human life by personal choice.

I. human rights
a. reproductive rights
b. what makes humans special
c. antithesis: when human personhood starts
II. personhood
a. fetuses
b. children
c. life
d. antithesis: when life starts
III. women health
a. Ectopic pregnancies
b. diseases
c. antithesis: psychological health
IV. ethics
a. image of god
b. we hold these truths inalienable rights creator
c. antithesis: no god, evolution
V. emotional appeal
a. human nature baby joy euphoria
b. cold blooded murder of the innocent
c. antithesis: the child is violating the woman’s rights to her bod
VI. logic
a. population
b. potential
c. advancements
VII. examples
a. star trek geordy visor
b. tuberculosis woman lived because of pregnancy
c. dr. suess a person is a person no matter how small
d. regret stories on abortion

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